


The Black Excellence Academy is career services company focused on creating employment opportunities for African American candidates by providing mentorship and job placement services from top companies in various fields. Through partnerships with industry leaders, BEA will create a pipeline of diverse employee candidates in industries where African Americans are underrepresented.

The partnership will engage students in two pipelines:

  • Identifying top African American candidates from across the country to participate in a post graduate academies that will prepare and place them with top companies in their respective fields.

  • Creating general programming for all students interested in pursuing careers in the fields represented by BEA.


Objectives and Rationale

Why Is This Important?

African-Americans have always had a significant impact on American culture. Through trending fashion, star athletes, and chart topping songs African Americans have made an undeniable  impact American culture. However, on the business side of these industries you will find that African Americans are significantly underrepresented. The Black Excellence Academy is uniquely positioned to address this problem and close America’s wealth gap by increasing diversity in those ranks. By pairing the nation's top candidates with mentorship from industry leaders and corporations, BEA will build a pipeline of top African American talent. In conjunction with each of our partner universities, we will collaborate with industry leaders to aid in achieving their diversity goals while also preparing a pool of talented men and women ready to make significant contributions to the industry.

Academy Details

Description and Impact

The Black Excellence Academy will accept applications from college Seniors and MBA students across the country. The top 30 applicants will be invited to participate in the academy of their choice. The week long academy will be held at a partner University that will feature the following:

  • Seminars from industry professionals.

  • Mentorship from top African Americans in the field.

  • Student presentation to recruiters.

  • Job placement for participants.
